Health & Healing Support
Have you been struggling with your health, unable to find the answers you've been desperately searching for?
I was once in your shoes, and now I'm here to be your guide and advocate.
I help people all over the world recover from chronic and mystery health problems naturally.
I can't wait to help you develop a deeper understanding of your body, what's really at the root of your health problems, and how to finally heal.
During our sessions together, I will guide you through each step of the healing process, teach you how to deconstruct your cravings and release unhealthy habits, answer your questions, help you get un-stuck, and so much more.
You can heal, you deserve to heal, and I'm here to show you how.

What I Help People With:
Adrenal fatigue
Anti-aging support
Autoimmune disease
Bell’s palsy
Bladder infections
Blood sugar imbalance
Brain fog
Breast implant illness
Canker sores
Chemical sensitivity
Chronic pain
Children's health
Cold sores
Colds and flus
Concentration issues
Cysts, nodules, & tumors
Dark under-eye circles
Dental problems like enamel erosion, halitosis, nerve pain, and sensitivity
Digestive issues and disorders: heartburn, acid reflux, SIBO, Crohn's, candida, colitis, IBS, bloating, constipation, gas, swelling, pain, diarrhea, diverticulitis, gastroparesis, etc.
Dizziness/vertigo/rocking on a boat
Ear infections
Ear pain
Eating disorders
Edema/fluid retention
Emotional traumas
Environmental toxicity illness
Epstein-barr virus
Excessive hunger
Eye floaters
Fatigue (all types)
Food sensitivities
Foot problems - plantar fasciitis, bunions, etc.
Frozen shoulder
Gallbladder issues
Hair thinning, hair loss
Healthy pregnancy and breastfeeding support
Heart flutters/palpitations
Heavy metal toxicity
Herpetic viral infection
High/low blood pressure
Hormonal imbalances
Inability to gain or lose weight
Infections: bacterial, viral, and/or fungal
Insomnia/difficulty sleeping
Interstitial Cystitis (IC)
Issues with the prostate gland
Itchy skin
Kidney problems
Liver problems
Low appetite
Low libido
Low mood
Lyme disease
Macular degeneration
Memory loss, forgetfulness, misplaced worse, confusion
​Mold toxicity
Multiple sclerosis (MS)
Muscle spasms, twitches, and tics
Mystery illness/idiopathic symptoms
Mystery weight gain or loss
Nerve spasms
Neuropathy and other mystery nerve issues
Otitis media
Physical injury recovery
Preventative medicine
Poor eyesight
Restless Leg syndrome
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
Sciatica pain
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
Sinus infections
STDs & STIs: genital herpes, HIV, HPV, etc.
Strep throat
Thyroid issues and disorders
Tingles and numbness
Tinnitus/humming or buzzing in ears
TMJ, gum pain, and jaw pain
Tremors and shaking
Vision problems
Women's health problems: pelvic pain, yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, pain with sex, vulvodynia, abnormal menstrual cycles, irregular or painful periods, amenorrhea, cervical dysplasia, abnormal pap results, etc.
.....and more
Modalities I Use Include:
Lifestyle Changes
Herbal Medicine
Nutritional Therapy
Tailored Natural Supplements
Detoxification Strategies
Mindset Shaping
Spiritual Support
Emotional Healing
How I Bring it all Together:
Health Intuition
It's very rare to have just one single health problem. Illness is incredibly multifaceted, and most people get overwhelmed with how to deconstruct it all. In my sessions, I'm able to sense each layer of what's impacting your health, and I'm intuitively guided to optimal prioritization and specific healing remedies that are most needed for your unique case. This compass allows me to strategize your healing plan with great efficiency.
Sustainable Behavior Modification
In the initial session with me, I will discuss with you a long-term plan for holistic healing that will address each layer of your health challenges. Then, all throughout the process of working with me, I break everything down into small, highly attainable steps. This method protects the adrenal glands and other vital organs, which therefore allows you to finally exit the cycle of health problems safely and as quickly as possible. It also works wonders for making the healing process simple, sustainable long-term, and highly effective.

- Anthony William, the Medical Medium® and #1 New York Times Best-Selling Author
Frequently Asked Questions
I live outside of the U.S. Can you still help me?Asbolutely! Because all of my sessions are conducted virtually, I work with people all over the world.
What does the process of working with you look like?Upon booking your Initial Session, you will be asked to complete a comprehensive intake form. This will give me an understanding of your history, current state of health, top symptoms, what your biggest challenges are, and more, which will save us a lot of time. During your Initial Session appointment, I will typivally ask you some more questions to get an even more complete picture of your health concerns, tune into your body intuitively, and then explain exactly what's going on that's affecting your health. Then, we will discuss a plan for what to do to heal. I will then be able to give you a clear recommendation for how much time I believe we will need together in order to cover everything. Keep in mind that the Initital Session is mostly an intake, and the most important part of our work together will come from follow-up support. In follow-up sessions, I will be guiding you step-by-step through co-creating a full holistic healing protocol suited to your individual needs.
How many follow-up sessions do you think I’ll need?Everyone's needs are SO incredibly unique, so I can't really answer this without more information about you. After going through a health assessment with you in your Initial Session, I will then be able to give you a clear recommendation for how much time I believe we will need together. I always keep budget in mind, jam-pack as much as I possibly can into each session without overwhelming you, and my ultimate goal is to get you to a place of not needing me anymore!
How much time do you usually recommend between follow-up sessions?Again, everyone is unique. On average, I recommend having a session with me every 2 weeks for a period of time. This usually allows for a perfect amount of processing time, so that you and your body can get used to each of the changes we implement before adding in more. However, some people are further into their healing journey and just need a monthly check-in. Some people prefer to have more support and meet with me weekly. We will work together to determine the right structure for you and your body.
How should I prepare for my first session with you?1. Review your Welcome Package and try to implement any of the steps outlined that you're missing are are able to do on your own. 2. Have a pen and paper or a document ready to go for note-taking. 3. Find a space where you can focus without distractions. 4. Make sure you have a good internet connection. 5. Breathe! I take privacy and comfort very seriously, and my sessions are a safe space for you to share anything and everything. Nothing is too much. Many people have a complicated health history, and I know that can spark some anxiety as you're thinking of how to even explain what you've been through. I want you to rest assured that I always set the intention for everything that I need to know in order to help you to come forward. My intuition allows me to tune deeply into your being, which takes the pressure off of you having to explain everything verbally. I can feel things that you might not even be able to articulate. That's it! I will take care of the rest.
Do you provide email support between sessions?As a client, you will have access to a HIPAA-certified portal that allows you to communicate directly with Amber through a secure platform. However, I am still quite limited in what I'm able to help with outside of a session. Emailing, or any form of written communication, is not an effective mode of communication for discussing health and medical information. I want to give you the level of care and support that you deserve, and questions/concerns of this matter cannot be adequately addressed without verbal discussion. So, if you have questions that come up between sessions, I suggest that you write them down and save them for our next appointment. If it's something you feel is urgent, then you have the option to book a Quick Question Session with me. And if you find that the standard 30 minutes is not long enough for our follow-ups to get all of your questions answered, then you can book Extra Time Follow-Up Sessions, which are 60 minutes in duration.
Do you offer payment plans?While payment plans are not available for my services, I do offer packages of follow-up sessions at discounted rates.
I'm horrible with technology! Is there another option to connect with you?All of my sessions are conducted through Zoom, which is a video conferencing software (similar to Skype). It is extremely easy to use - I promise! I've had many clients who have had this same concern, and we get it working every single time. Here's how it works: All you need is a good internet connection and either a smartphone, computer, or tablet. After booking your session, you will recieve a confirmation email. That email will include a link to our virtual meeting room. At the time of our session appointment, all you have to do is open the email back up, click the link, and it will take you right to our meeting room. If you are early, you will be put in a virtual "waiting room" until I start the meeting. When you use Zoom, you need to give consent to enable your video and audio, so please look out for those prompts when you enter the meeting room. If you'd like to conduct your session via phone, you can select to connect via audio only once you click on the Zoom link. You can also connect to Zoom on your phone and use data instead of Wifi just like a phone call. You can do this by turning off your Wifi and doing a Zoom test call to be sure it connects. That's it!! You can test the technology prior to our session, and if you have any trouble at all with it, please email my assistant, Courtney, at She will help make sure you have everything you need for a smooth appointment experience.
I don’t have chronic illness, but I would like to prevent future health problems. Can you help me with that?"Yes! While I specialize in helping people who are really suffering with health conditions - such as in autoimmune conditions, chronic pain, cancers, and mystery illness - this information applies to everyone, not just the chronically ill. I work with people all across the spectrum of health/illness. Anyone who has ever been bloated, gotten a headache, experienced hormonal issues, struggled with their energy levels, wanted to lose weight or clear up their skin, or just not felt their best can benefit immensely from this information. It is completely universal and applies to everyone, even at the prevention level.